COLUMBUS So far as we can learn, the outward appearance of Columbus was in no wise remarkable. Tall he was, and of goodly presence, with a slightly long face, and aquiline features. His eyes were light in color and his hair auburn. Such a description tells us nothing, and yet these few details com' prise nearly the whole of what his contempo' raries say of the bodily peculiarities of the great' est man then living. What a pity it is that no one who had eyes to see ever looked upon Columbus, or rather, that no such person ever put on paper a description of the man. Much that was extraor' dinary in the spirit of Columbus must have left its imprint on his face and in his manner. In' domitable energy and force not to be denied must have been written, one would think, on this man's countenance. What calm, practical insight those eyes of his must have had!—what latent fire of enthusiastic resolve! Yet no one has so depicted him. Great men pass through this world un' [151